By following these dietary guidelines and physical activities, you can lead a healthy lifestyle that positively reflects on all aspects of your life

By following these dietary guidelines and physical activities, you can lead a healthy lifestyle that positively reflects on all aspects of your life

1. Eat breakfast
- Start your morning with a healthy breakfast including lean protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
- Try making breakfast from scrambled eggs, low-fat cheese, sauce, whole wheat tortilla or parfait with low-fat yogurt, fruit and whole grains.

2. Fill half of your dish with vegetables and fruits
Fruits and vegetables add color, flavor and texture to your dish, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Try different types, including fresh, frozen and canned fruits.
3. Monitor the quota sizes
Place measuring cups and see how you can estimate your portion according to the recommended size. Use half a special dish for fruits and vegetables and the other half for cereals and low-protein foods. To complete the meal, add fat, low-fat milk or milk.

4. Be active
Regular physical activity has many health benefits. Children and adolescents should have 60 minutes or more of physical activity per day.Adults should do two and a half hours a week.Do not do daily exercise sessions once, but can be divided multiple times but not less than 10 continuous minutes. You can work out in a gym, take a stroll or play a game of fishing or basketball.
5. Focus on snacks
Healthy snacks can maintain your energy levels between meals, especially when the meal includes a combination of foods. So you can choose between two or more food groups from your dish: cereals, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, and protein. Try raw vegetables with low-fat homemade cheese, or a tablespoon of peanut butter with apples or bananas.

6. Learn about food labels
Reading nutrition facts labels can help you shop, eat and drink smarter.

7. Consult your dietitian
If you want to eat better in order to lose weight, reduce your risk of disease or manage a chronic disease, consult experts.
8. Follow the food safety guidelines
You can reduce your incidence by applying proper food safety guidelines such as regular hand washing, separating raw and ready-to-eat protein foods, cooking foods to the right temperature using a food thermometer, and quickly cooling food at an appropriate temperature to slow the growth of germs.

9. Cook
Preparing food at home can be healthy, rewarding and cost-effective. So he decided to learn to make some cooks and cooking basics.

10. Do not break your system when eating out
You can eat outdoors while sticking to your healthy eating plan. The key is good planning, asking questions and choosing foods carefully. Compare the nutrition information on the menus, and look for healthy choices whether the meal is grilled, baked or incense.

11. Enact a law for family meal time
Plan a meal with the family several times a week. Set a regular meal during which TVs, phones and electronic devices are discontinued to encourage conversation and communication at a meal. Have children participate in meal planning and cooking and take the opportunity to teach them facts about good nutrition.

12. Food bag
Whether you prepare your meal for lunch at work or school, it is best to have an easy-to-open lunch bag with healthy foods. Try baking whole wheat bread with vegetables and chickpeas or low-salt vegetable soup with whole-grain slices or mixed vegetable salad with spices and boiled egg.

13. Drink more water
Water your thirst with regular drinking water instead of sugary drinks. Stay hydrated well by drinking plenty of water if you are active, live and work in hot conditions, or are older.

14. Explore new foods and flavors
You can add more nutrition and pleasure when you eat by expanding the range of food choices. When shopping, choose new fruits, vegetables or whole grains for you or your family.

15. Eat seafood twice a week
Seafood and shellfish contain a range of nutrients including healthy omega-3 fats. You can eat salmon, trout, shellfish and sardines. They are high in omega-3 and low in mercury.

16. Reduce the percentage of added sugars
Foods and beverages containing added sugars can contribute to zero calorie intake, so review the ingredients on the food label as they help you identify the sources of added sugar.

17. Try more vegetarian meals
Make a variety of your menus from meatless meals; many recipes that use meat and poultry can be cooked without them. Eat a range of plant foods that can help you, such as vegetables, beans and lentils, which are important alternatives. Try to start cooking one meal without meat every week.

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